Pick Up Details

Our ranch is located at: 8 Lynx Road, Ridgway, Colorado, 81432 (Click for Map)

Directions for egg pickup:
You will need 4 wheel drive for Lynx Road during the winter months.

  • Take County Road 23 to Lynx Road.
  • Go south on Lynx Road to the end.
  • Do not turn onto any of the side driveways off of Lynx Road.
  • You will come to a round’a’bout with multiple buildings and vehicles.
  • Stay low and left and continue until you come to the blue stucco garage with two wooden car doors and one regular door with a half window on top.
  • There is a white refrigerator just inside the door.
  • Your eggs will be labeled with your last name.
  • Please take only your labeled eggs.
  • Exit the way you came in. The easiest way is to turn around in the round-a-bout.
  • Please drive slow, there are often children and friendly dogs around.

Directions for meat pickup:
You will need 4 wheel drive for Lynx Road during the winter months.

  • Make sure to let us know when you want to come pickup so we can confirm our availability.
  • Take County Road 23 to Lynx Road.
  • Go south on Lynx Road to the end.
  • Do not turn onto any of the side driveways off of Lynx Road.
  • You will come to a round’a’bout with multiple buildings and vehicles.
  • Stay low and left and continue until you come to the garage with two wooden car doors.
  • We will meet you here to sort your meat order.
  • Exit the way you came in. The easiest way is to turn around in the round-a-bout.
  • Please drive slow, there are often children and friendly dogs around.

If there are any questions please email us at: fergusonbeef@gmail.com